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Keeping you safe at the Shoebox Theatre


In response to the latest COVID-19 guidance, the following measures are currently in place at the Shoebox Theatre.


Due to the latest government guidelines, all audience members aged 12+ are legally required to wear a face covering throughout your visit to the theatre, including whilst watching the performance (this may be removed temporarily whilst consuming refreshments). If you are medically exempt and unable to wear a face covering, please notify a member of the Shoebox team on arrival.


We have limited audiences to a maximum of 20 per performance.


We have removed any audience participation from our performances.

We have introduced enhanced cleaning and are sanitising all public areas prior to opening and after closing.


We have multiple hand sanitiser stations.


We regret that we are unable to offer refreshments at this time. However, please feel free to bring your own.


We need to provide contactless ticketing and may need to adapt our seating for each performance in order to accommodate our audiences safely. We therefore cannot sell tickets on the door and latecomers cannot be admitted.


All Shoebox staff and visiting companies take regular lateral flow tests to ensure no one working on the premises has tested positive for Covid-19 and our Front of House staff will wear face masks as part of our risk mitigation procedures.


Windows may be open during performances to improve air-flow, which may result in the theatre being a bit chilly – bring a jumper, just in case.


If you or your family are displaying any signs or symptoms that could be Covid-related please do not attend the performance and follow Government advice on self-isolation.


If you have a device that can run the NHS COVID-19 app (iOS / Android), please download it. It will alert you if you have had any exposure to the virus.

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